Hi, I'm Stephanie.
I’m a yoga teacher who works with people who are looking for an escape from the stress of their life. I help them relax while still getting a workout so that they can feel strong, healthy, and more present.

The Story behind Lotus Moon Yoga
Fifteen years ago, I was just like you and found myself in my first yoga class after facing scary health issues. After class, I felt calm and that I had strengthened my body which empowered me to face the challenges I had ahead.
What I didn’t know is that yoga could be whatever you needed it to be at any stage of your life. The practice grows and evolves with you - whether you are like I was, facing health scares, stressed out from work and life, or just wanting a change.
The magical thing about yoga is that no matter what is going on in life, you can always come back to your very own yoga island, your mat, which is my favorite destination to visit.
Now you’re probably wondering what’s in the name, well Life was tough through this entire journey, cancer battle, miscarriages, a move across the country and negativity from people in all aspects of life when it came to my dream of teaching yoga.
I’ve always been connected to lotus flowers because they are so beautiful and delicate yet grow from the mud. That’s my journey in creating Lotus Moon. I had to push through a lot of mud to get here but I wanted so badly to create a place like I had back home in Los Angeles.
As for my beloved moon, it’s a natural fit. I love how the cycle of the moon changes and that it’s a chance to start anew.
That’s the story of how Lotus Moon Yoga was born. A woman with a goal to share a love for a practice that you can come just as you are and be loved and accepted and know that you have the power to take whatever you are going through and turn it into something beautiful and always start a new. Lotus Moon is a place of acceptance, where you could come and be you, and know you will leave with your cup filled.
What Lotus Moon Yoga is all about
Lotus Moon was created as a safe and fun environment where each beautiful soul can come and be accepted where they are in their personal practice and feel safe to expand their practice to new fun levels. At Lotus Moon we practice traditional yoga with a little twist; the music will be fun and upbeat with a great flow in class no matter what level you are. I offer virtual and in person one on one classes, small group classes and your standard virtual and in person group classes to fit your exact needs.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.